Bauer, R., Meissl-Egghart, G., Vohle, F. & Szucsich, P. (in print). How to Encourage Reflective Practice with the Help of Collaborative Video Annotation: Social Video Learning in Teacher Education. In A. J. Reid (Ed.), Marginalia in Modern Learning Contexts (page-page). Hershey, Pennsylvania (USA): IGI Global. 2018
Grubesic, K., Bauer, R., Himpsl-Gutermann, K. & Meissl-Egghart, G. (2018). Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst: Videoreflexion im digitalen Raum. Ein Praxisbericht. In B. Getto, P. Hintze & M. Kerres (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung und Hochschulentwicklung (S. 220-231). Münster & New York: Waxmann. (= Medien in der Wissenschaft. 74). Online verfügbar unter (10.10.2018).
Workshop: Meissl-Egghart, G. & Hammermüller, K. (18.04.2018). Learning Analytics: Von der pädagogischen Fragestellung zur Visualisierung. PREPARE Symposium, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien.
Pal‘ova D., Novak N. M., Weidinger V. (2017). Digital Learning as a tool to overcome school failure in minority groups. In: P. Biljanovic, M. Koricic, K. Skala, T. Galinac Grbac, M. Cicin-Sain, V. Sruk, S. Ribaric, S. Gros, B. Vrdolkak, M. Mauher, E. Tijan, F.Hormot (eds.): 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2017, Opatija, Coratia, May 22 – 26, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-953-233-090-8, p. 873 – 878.
eBazar, PH Wien, 2017, Meissl-Egghart G., Vanecek N., Hammermüller K., “Sprachen, Mathe & Werken lernen mit Lego, samt Portfolio & Kompetenz Doku” ePortfolio
Bildung 4.0 Seminar, Wien 2016, Hammermüller K. “Learning Analytics und interaktive Schulbücher”
Workshop Neue Medien/Neue Lerntechnologien im Unterricht KPH Krems 2016, Key Note Hammermüller K., slides „die Zukunft des Lernens – intelligente Coaching Systeme“
book contribution 2015: Meissl-Egghart G., Hammermüller K., Measuring and Visualizing Learning in the Information-Rich Classroom, Routledge Publishing, eISBN 9781315777979
eEducation Sommertagung 2015, slides Beitrag Tagungsband, Hammermüller K. “Lernen ist Persönlich” – die App, Konzepte und Erfahrungen mit Learning Analytics
Lernen mit Zukunft Journal paper, Hammermüller K., Weidinger V. (2015). Bildungszukunft: Lernen ist Persönlich, Lernen mit Zukunft Journal 2015 / 3
#eBazar 2015 slides, Hammermüller K. “Lernen ist Persönlich” – die App, Konzepte und Erfahrungen mit Learning Analytics
3rd Constructivism and Creativity Conference paper, Hammermüller K., Kickmeier-Rust M., Vanécék V. (2014). Enabling Individualization and Constructionism Learning in Austrian Public Schools, 3rd Constructivism and Creativity Conference 2014
Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education slides, Meissl-Egghart, G. (2014). Language quests and data analystics in secondary schools, Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2014
8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning paper, Bull S., Kickmeier-Rust M., Vatrapu R., Johnson M., Hammermueller K., Byrne W., Hernandez-Munoz L., Giorgini F., Meissl-Egghart G. (2013). Learning, Learning Analytics, Activity Visualisation and Open Learner Model: Confusing?, 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2013
Lernen mit Zukunft Journal paper, Hammermüller K., Kornelia Kopf (2013). Elektronische Unterstützung für Lehrer: Dokumentation via Tablet-App, Lernen mit Zukunft Journal 2013
eLSA, Pädagogische Hochschule Graz slides paper, Hammermüller K., Pichler M., Vanécék V. (2013). Kompetenzorientierte Unterrichtsdokumentation & Lerndiagnostik, eLSA, Pädagogische Hochschule Graz 2013
eBazar, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien slides, Hammermüller K. (2013). Dokumentation und Lerndiagnostik in Virtuellen und Physischen Lernumgebungen, eBazar, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien 2013
7th Slanguages conference slides, Hammermüller K.,Meissl-Egghart, G., Hummer E., Marolla S. (2013). Learning Experiences in virtual worlds in schools, including formative assessment methods to create feedback, 7th Slanguages conference 2013
eLSA Fachdidaktik Tagung slides, Hammermüller K., Pichler M., Vanécék V. (2012). Planung und Dokumentation in einem individualisiertem Lernumfeld, eLSA Fachdidaktik Tagung 2012
eDidaktik Konferenz, BMBF slides paper, Hammermüller K.,Meissl-Egghart, G., Hummer E., Marolla S. (2012). Learning Experiences in virtual worlds in schools, including formative assessment methods to create feedback, eDidaktik Konferenz, BMBF 2012
11. eLearning Tag der FH Joanneum, Hammermüller K., Hummer E., Meissl-Egghart G (2012). Learning experiences in virtual worlds in schools, including formative assessment methods to create feedback for learners and educators with the NEXT-TELL project, 11. eLearning Tag der FH Joanneum 2012
International Conference on the Future of Education slides paper, Hammermüller K., Hecht S., Babin D., Hummer E. (2011). Rebuilding Educational Institutions from Scratch: Practical Experiences using Social Media and Virtual Worlds for Education, International Conference on the Future of Education 2011
Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 7(3):194–215. Iqbal T., Hammermüller K., Tjoa A. (2011). Realization of 3D virtual world platform for the basic education of adult illiterates, Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 7(3):194–215. 2011
eLSA Advanced slides, Hammermüller K., Meissl-Egghart G. (2011). Erfahrungen aus der Unterrichtspraxis in virtuellen Welten, eLSA Advanced 2011
eLearning Papers paper, Hammermüller K., Meissl-Egghart G. (2011). Design factors motivating learners to participate actively in a virtual world learning environment – prospects to redefine our educational system, eLearning Papers 2011
eDidaktik Konferenz, BMBF slides, Hammermüller K., Meissl-Egghart G. (2011). Erfahrungen aus der Unterrichtspraxis in virtuellen Welten, eDidaktik Konferenz, BMBF 2011
AVATAR slides, Hammermüller K. (2011). Invitation to join as a teacher with your students. Benefit from feedback and planning support created from Internet based learning tools & 3D learning environments, AVATAR 2011
3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 213–218 SciTePress, Iqbal T., Hammermüller K., Tjoa A. (2011). Adaptivity in 3D virtual environments for multi-users and its application in adult basic education., 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 213–218 SciTePress 2011
4th Slanguages conference slides, Hammermüller K. (2010). Holodeck workshop, 4th SLanguages conference 2010
12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, ACM Press pages 373–380, Iqbal T., Hammermüller K., Tjoa A. (2010). Second life for illiterates: a 3D virtual world platform for adult basic education., 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, ACM Press pages 373–380 2010
Online Educa, Workshop slides, Meissl-Egghart G. (2010). Virtual Pedagogies in Practice: 7 added values for learning in virtual worlds, Online Educa, Workshop 2010
Online Educa, Meissl-Egghart G. (2009). “Talk with me” – Creating Supportive Peer-Learning Environments by Using Social Motivations, Online Educa 2009
4rd International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning paper, Hammermüller K, Pointner P., Kelle S. (2009). benefits and limitations of using virtual worlds for language learning, a case study, 4rd International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning 2009
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education slides paper, Iqbal T., Nussbaumer A., Hammermüller K., Tjoa A. (2009). Using Second Life for Supporting Illiterate Persons in Learning, Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009
3rd European Conference on Games Based Learning slides paper, Hammermüller K., Iqbal T., Kelle S. (2009). Aspects of Social Games in 3D Spaces Considering Usability and Accessibility, 3rd European Conference on Games Based Learning 2009
Online Educa, Hammermüller K. (2008). Talkademy – The future Way of Customised Learning, Online Educa 2008
Interactive Conference on Computer Aided Learning slides, Hammermüller K. (2008). Intercultural Communication Training, Interactive Conference on Computer Aided Learning 2008